Urgent Threat to Wakulla Springs
The Sunshine State Biodiversity Group strongly supports Clean Water Wakulla in opposing the building of gas stations or any other potentially polluting structures over the Wakulla cave system that feeds into Wakulla Springs.
As the world’s largest and deepest freshwater spring, and a shining beacon of biodiversity in the state of Florida, Wakulla Springs deserves strict protections from contamination. Even trace amounts of gasoline in connected waterways can cause widespread poisoning of ecosystems. Wakulla Springs is also a treasure for residents and for vibrant eco-tourism. The cultural and natural history of the springs have made the area iconic for decades.
Concerned citizens should follow Clean Water Wakulla’s recommendations to express your opinion on a proposed gas station vote August 7 by the Wakulla County Commission.
--Clean Water Wakulla's facebook page
--Paypal link to donate to Clean Water Wakulla
--Suggested letter to send to the county commission